Foot Odour: Causes and Prevention
It is essential to keep your feet clean and dry at all times, as this will help prevent any infections from setting in. You should also wear clean socks and shoes every day; if you do not have time for this, it is best to change your socks daily or whenever you feel that they are getting sweaty.
If possible, try to avoid wearing any type of sandal when going out as these types of footwear can increase the amount of sweat on your feet, which in turn causes more bacteria to grow and multiply on your feet, where they can be absorbed into the skin's pores.
If you have tried washing your feet with soap and water but still smell after a few hours, it may be necessary to use a more potent antiseptic foot spray, like Dr Foot's antibacterial smelly shoe spray. This shoe deodorant contains Lemon Grass and Tea Tree essential oil that kills the odour-causing bacteria.
Many factors can lead to foot odour. These include:
The type of shoes you wear.
It's essential to wear shoes that fit well and allow your feet to breathe daily. Shoes with a lot of padding or stiff material can increase sweating, which can cause foot odour.
How often do you wear them:
If you only wear your shoes for short periods, this is less likely to cause foot odour. But if you're wearing them all day long and not washing them regularly, this could be the cause of your problem. In this case, it's worth buying some shoe spray to help keep the smell down.
How often do you wash them:
Regularly cleaning your shoes will help reduce any bacteria present on them so they don't become smelly or cause any problems in the future.
Wearing shoes that don't fit properly:
If your shoes don't fit well, they can cause blisters and sores. In addition, your feet will sweat more, leading to bacteria growth and foot odour. This is why you should always try on new shoes before buying them.
Poor foot hygiene:
The most common cause of foot odour is poor hygiene. Sweat and sebum (the oily substances that lubricate the skin) combine with bacteria to create a smelly odour, which can be caused by heat and humidity. In the colder months, this problem is exacerbated by cold temperatures and dry air.
Wearing socks that are too tight:
Wearing too-tight socks can prevent blood circulation, which means that wounds or cuts will not heal properly. This can lead to poor hygiene and bacteria growth in your feet and increase the risk of getting an athlete's foot (tinea pedis). You should always buy socks that fit your feet comfortably but do not affect blood circulation when wearing them for long periods.
Not wearing open shoes:
Not wearing flip-flops in public places if you have sweaty feet (you should usually wear clean socks under flip-flops). This is because sweat builds up in these areas due to no ventilation, which increases bacteria growth and makes the area smell bad.
Lavender oil:
Essential oils are one of the convenient ways to remove foot odour and promote wound healing. Place a few drops of lavender essential oil on your feet and gently massage the top and bottom of your feet with your fingertips. Ensure to rub the oil in between your toes, the breeding ground of foul smell-causing bacteria. Put on your socks to enhance the effectiveness.
Shoe spray:
Shoe hygiene is one of the essential aspects of eliminating foot odour. You can try sprinkling some smelly shoe deodorant at the end of the day. Also, many people wipe the dirt, which can't ensure 100% safety. You also have to wash your shoe at leats once a week.
Foot Soak:
A nice foot soak can neutralize your foot pain, along with eliminating the foul odour. There are two kinds of foot soak that you can try: 1) Vinegar Soak and 2) Epsom salt soak. For vinegar soak, fill up the foot basin with hot water and pour 1/3 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar. Soak your feet for 15 minutes and repeat this process twice a week. If you want to try an Epsom salt bath, fill the basin with warm water and pour a cup of Epsom salt. To enhance the experience, you can use a few drops of your favourite essential oils.
Tea bags:
Give your shoes a chance to breathe for at least 24 hours. This habit gives the shoes a chance to dry out, so there will be less moisture. While drying your shoes, you can stick an unused tea bag in each shoe. This helps soak the shoe's odour and leaves a fresh, aromatic scent.
Lemon juice:
Lemon juice contains citric acid, which helps kill the foul odour-causing bacteria. It is a natural ingredient with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and astringent properties. Add some lemon juice to a tub of lukewarm water. Soak your feet for 20 minutes and keep repeating this twice a week.